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Classy wedding cake on Surviving Marriage

For the Love of Wedding Cake: Let that be the Reason for the Season (Weddings)

via Huffington Post

Spring has past sprung and for most of the country summertime fun is in full effect. Love is in the air and pictures of delightful delicacies go dancing through my head at the mere mention of a wedding. Yes, it’s that season. It’s the season to unite the singles in holy matrimony. But for me…forget what the dress looks like; forget the perfect time of day, forget who‘s singing what song and the beautiful venue. Just give me the details on the cake.

Yes, marriage season has snuck up on us. Any season is a good season to get married as long as you do not make your marriage seasonal. My Facebook and Twitter timelines are filled with wedding conversations as well as fabulous pics from those that have jumped the broom. So much so that it has me stalking my mailbox for invitations.

As I scroll though my stream, I come across professional and amateur photography of all kinds of weddings. As a true voyeur, I browse the albums smiling with great anticipation that there are at least three cake shots to make it worth my time. The enormous wedding parties and their coordinated colors make for great visual aids and starts my imagination flowing as to how elegant the cake may be.

Having a great imagination is wonderful, but I must say that my heart skips a few bests when I actually see the pictures of the cake. Maybe it’s my cholesterol levels rising to greater heights from the calories of my brain stimulations. Or maybe it’s from my blood pressure virtuously jumping hurdles in order to run away from my mental guilty pleasure.

Either way, I am ready. Bring on the traditional yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Even though I don’t like chocolate cake, frosting gets an exception. I will definitely be first in line, after the bride and groom of course, at any wedding attended this season. Bring on the fluffy white cake with the cream cheese frosting or the cute little swirled cakes with strawberry icing. I can even go exotic with red velvet, German Chocolate, Seven Up or Sock It To Me cake. It’s all good by me. If the wedding has been planned properly, I know there is going to be leftovers to send home with guests. Can anyone say doggy bag?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a wedding cake crasher. I could just as well show up at a bridal party (or baby shower) for a cupcake or two in order to feed my addiction. The way things are going nowadays, whether it is the bridal party or the wedding, I’m sure my taste buds will be treated to some magnificent creations.

Calling all Cake Bosses and Cupcake Queens, be on the lookout for your biggest fan. Its wedding season for goodness sakes, bring your A game and I’ll always be a satisfied guest. Unless it is the Game of Thrones Red Wedding and then in that case, I guess I would just be dead.

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