by Lucia Mann A woman was recently sentenced to 140 years in prison after using two Nigerian immigrants as personal unpaid servants in her luxury…
by Lucia Mann A woman was recently sentenced to 140 years in prison after using two Nigerian immigrants as personal unpaid servants in her luxury…
#Prisonworld Magazine REWIND (2008) – Can’t We All Just Get Along? “Why can’t we all just get along? Rodney King – 1992. Who knew that…
#Prisonworld View – An Inmate’s Letter to Santa Dear Santa, (or as you are known on the cell block – Santizil my Nizil) As I…
Dawah International, LLC, a multimedia company, is in its fifth year of publishing Prisonworld Magazine, and its third year of producing and distributing Prisonworld Radio…
#Prisonworld View – When Has Justice Been Equal? It is Always Black & White It’s a sham and a shame that some people will try…
The following two poems were written by incarcerated veterans.There are numerous prisoners, men and women, who have served on the battlefields of this country and…
#Inmate View – One Thing I Would Change About the Prison System What Would it Be…..and Why? I would change the visiting structure and restore…
PRISON RECIPE: THE COOP CHEESECAKE From the Federal Prison Camp in Dublin CA 1 12oz coffeemate creamer 4 pack vanilla pudding 2 lemons 20 vanilla…
Strange Addictions: Can Permissible Masturbation Cure Prison Rape? Masturbation may be the lesser of two evils in prison and an option that would keep more…
Inmates Deserve Social Contact for Rehabilitation Success Even Bernie Madoff There has been a recent uprising of victims in regards to prisoner pen pal sites….
Prisonworld Magazine Examines Religions Coexisting in Prison Religious Extremism A sizable minority of the chaplains responding (39%) also say they encounter extremism among inmates who…
JOBS for Inmates Affected by Budget Cuts 9 factories to close in latest cutbacks via USA TODAY The nation’s unemployment crisis is now reaching far inside…