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Prisonworld Activists Booked to Give Keynote Address at Second Chance Conference in Toronto

By This Country Needs An Enema

Prisonworld Owners are about solutions at Family Conference

“We are finding that are presentations are spreading by word of mouth and more people are reaching out to us all across the country. It is one thing to have read or written a book about a subject but it is just as impactful or even moreso to have lived it. The college students seem to be pleasantly surprised at how real we are with life’s situations. The high school students tend to laugh a lot but that’s ok. At least we know they are listening. This conference draws families from all across the country, including Canada. We look forward to the connection,” says Jenny Triplett, Editor-in-Chief.

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Health and Wellness on Prisonworld Blogtalk

Getting Fat in Jail is a Rehab #Fail

By Food For Thought, This Country Needs An Enema

Getting Fat in Jail is a Rehab #Fail

Toxic Chemicals Contribute to Weight Gain

During the past 20 years there has been a significant increase in weight gain and obesity in the United States. In most developed countries, current estimates suggest that women, in particular, are gaining weight on an average of 450g per year despite the plethora of low fat, no fat products and multitude diets and weight loss gadgets. Could it be that our modern day, chemical-laden lives are making us fat? Via (

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‘Progressive Jail’ Is a 21st-Century Hell, Inmates Complain

By This Country Needs An Enema

‘Progressive Jail’ Is a 21st-Century Hell, Inmates Complain – Cheshire County Jail in Keene, N.H., looks more like a small college campus or a tech start-up than a house of detention. There are no razor wire fences surrounding the 230-bed facility; just well trimmed hedges and green grass; and the face of the building has a surprising number of windows. As a journalist, it was a surreal experience to be welcomed by a pleasant receptionist in the lobby, then ushered into the secure perimeter by the warden without being asked to fill out paperwork, walk through a metal detector or even give up my cellphone.

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50 Shades of Inmates – Incarceration Does Not Discriminate

By Food For Thought, Prisonworld Radio Hour, This Country Needs An Enema

50 Shades of Inmates – Incarceration Does Not Discriminate – When Do We Break The Cycle?

“That’s just my baby daddy.” “ He didn’t mean it. I shouldn’t have been running my mouth.” “ I don’t need school. I just need to get high”. “ Nobody ever got addicted to marijuana.” “I can finish school later.” “He ain’t done nothing for his baby.” Round and round we go. Where we stop nobody knows. The sad part about all of that is we should. We should know where to stop it and how to stop it. It is a tragedy when the constant theme in society has been the same for over the last 30 years. Enough is enough! We need to BREAK THE CYCLE. Here and now. Today. Let’s make a conscious effort to say NO MORE!

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Georgia Governor Nathan Deal talks about lowering the Prison Population – [VIDEO]

By This Country Needs An Enema

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal talks about lowering the Prison Population – [VIDEO] – Keep your eyes on the State of Georgia. The War of Crime and The War on Drugs failed massively. Even the War on Immigration put the state in great shambles. All of the people with all of the brains down at the State Capitol has realized that it is a new day and can’t keep doing the same on thing and expecting different results. Insanity is not the new black.

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The Prisonworld Radio Hour talks Education for Inmates with Dr Breea Willingham

By Prisonworld Radio Hour

The Prisonworld Radio Hour talks Education for Inmates with Dr Breea Willingham – Less than 2% of people in the United States have PhD’s. That small demographic of people tend to visit The Prisonworld Radio Hour for various reasons. The latest episode with co-hosts Rufus & Jenny Triplett, tackles education or lack of education within the prison system with author, professor and speaker, Dr. Breea Willingham.

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Prisonworld Rewind: Three Reasons why Legalizing Marijuana could save the United States of America

By This Country Needs An Enema

One of the most controversial topics in the US for the last five years is the contemplation of regulation for the legalization of marijuana. Cannabis, the medical and technical term for the farmed herb, has numerous medicinal purposes. Various forms of the leaves from the female plant have healing chemical compounds beneficial to those who have chronic pain.

The Prisonworld Radio Hour, airing on the Prisonworld Radio Network, has interviewed guests on both sides of the argument. It is a topic of passionate conversation for those who are proponents of the legalization as well as those who oppose it. One thing that rings true with those on either side is that the realization of regulation may never come to pass in this century.

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prison torture on

Torture in our Prisons and Jails

By This Country Needs An Enema

Torture in our Prisons and Jails


he news media was focused this week about the CIA, interrogations, and torture. Many Americans are shocked at the actions of the CIA, but you do not have to look at the CIA for examples of torture by Americans. Every month, inmates in the United States suffer from intentional and gross negligent actions of prison guards.

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Prisonworld Magazine Winter Edition

#Prisonworld View – The First Amendment – What Does it Really Mean for Inmates?

By This Country Needs An Enema

Do inmates have the same First Amendment rights as everybody else?
The United States Supreme Court has said that “prison walls do not form a barrier separating prison inmates from the protections of the Constitution.” Nevertheless, inmates’ First Amendment rights are less extensive than other citizens’ and their rights can be limited due to security or other penological concerns. Because of the particular challenges administrators face running prisons, the Supreme Court has acknowledged there is a compelling government interest which warrants limiting prisoners’ rights. Courts have been deferential to prison officials’ assessments of security threats, and sensitive to their related regulatory decisions, even if such decisions impact inmates’ First Amendment rights.

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