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Rufus and Jenny Triplett verified Facebook personal profile

Facebook Verified Our Personal Profile But Not Our Business Page

In the world of the metaverse, there’s never any rhyme or reason as to how and why things are done. After six years of trying to get verified, yes, six years and we have very no response, Facebook finally surprised the hell out of us and said…yes! People deserve to know who you are.

Well, what does that mean? What comes with a verified personal page?

First of all, there’s no bonus payments. Dang, sure could have used a few coins to buy some one Bitcoin. And there’s no special groups or rooms that verified profiles get invited to. At least not yet. One of the first noticeable things is the surprise reactions and congratulations of those that you are connected with who notice the “blue check” status. Somehow it stands out when you comment on other posts more than it does when you make original posts. Unless it’s a shared post. Or it could be that it’s so fresh and new to people that some don’t even notice it until it is pointed out.

Then comes the frequently asked questions. How did you guys get verified? Only a few will ask. Some will ask privately as not to make a big deal out of it publicly. Some will ask on a post which isn’t really a big deal because anyone who knows us knows that we will freely share the information as long as it’s to giving away proprietary secrets.

So how did we get verified? We submitted for verification and hoped for the best just like every other time. The form is pretty simple. They ask a few questions. You have to submit an official identification. Oh, and we had top tier media links. You know the ones from high profile media like CNN, New York Times, Discovery Communications, TED, etc. There’s a long list of what is considered top tier media but those are a few of the recognizable names. Once you submit they tell you it takes about 30 days to review but it took less than 24 hours when we received the email that we had been verified. Abruptly followed by a Holy Sh!#

Facebook Verification Email

Why didn’t this work for our business page? We have a few thoughts on the matter which at this point are only assumptions. Our personal page had 20,000 followers at the time we submitted. That’s pretty rare for a personal page. Our business page only has 3500 followers. Still pretty good but not enough. That’s one thought. Our business page doesn’t have as much engagement and that’s a big factor on deciding if a person or page should be known. Our brand is not qualified as celebrity even though we have a best selling book, Surviving Marriage in the 21st Century, we are international speakers, seven countries and counting, and are media personalities, you check our media gallery on our website. It’s still not enough in the eyes of Facebook for verification of our business page. And that’s ok.

Rufus and Jenny Triplett on The Morning Dose CW69 Houston

In search of the blue check? Here’s a few tips if you’re looking to get verified on Facebook.

  1. Build your business or personal profile
  2. Engage with your network
  3. Become a known personality or brand
  4. Keep submitting til they say yes

That’s pretty much it. No magic pill involved.

Now getting verified on Instagram, that’s another story. And just because you are verified on Facebook does not entitle you to be verified on Instagram. They tell you that when you submit. They have what seems like a stricter measurement of analytics.

So here we are again, starting at square one. We’ll let yall know when and if it happens.

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