Cruising around Havana in our 6–4
10 Amazing Things the American Government Doesn’t Want You to Know About Cuba
It took less than a year to put the fear back into Americans about visiting Cuba. Less than one year after President Obama opened a hospitality gateway to a country that Americans haven’t been able to charter directly from the US in 50 years. Ask yourself why? My husband and I were fortunate enough to visit the country in August. We flew directly from Atlanta, via Ft. Lauderdale. It was swift and easy.
Just think to yourself, what would be the reason why the American government doesn’t want you visiting one of the safest countries in the world? Here is 10 reasons that I could come up with
- Healthcare — During our visit we saw how much healthcare was a priority. We saw what appeared to be very healthy Cubans. We also saw how big the hospitals were. Their hospitals are as big as our prisons and just as protected. We were in awe of the compounds.
2. It’s a very beautiful country — We were fortunate enough to not only stay on the outskirts of Havana in a more suburban neighborhood, but we were also able to travel to the other side of the country where Ernest Hemingway used to come and go from Miami. The grass and trees are very green. The roads are clean and free of liter. The architecture is stunning.
3. Very friendly people — We spent a lot of time with the locals. From Old Havana to Havana to our tour guide to the countryside, the Cubans love Americans and love teaching you about the right history of the country. If it is something you need, they will find it and get it for you. Very accommodating.
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4. Safe Country — Cuba has a 2% crime rate. There are cameras everywhere. There are two million people in Havana and one million police. We walked the streets freely, even late at night, and never felt any less safe than we did in our own neighborhood. American media perpetuates the fear tactic fed by the government to put fear into people as to not visit the country.
5. They Love Americans – Did I already mention that? Yes, don’t let what you hear on the news fool you. Nobody is trying to take you down an alley and kidnap you, rob you or drug you. The Cubans love American money and they know Americans come to spend it and enjoy themselves. Why would they want that to stop?
6. Food is fresh and untainted — Due to the embargos, the Cubans have had to fend for themselves. We had some of the freshest mangoes, seafood and salads at the local paladares (restaurants) Even though they like to eat outside or in open and airy places, all food is cooked upon order and made to your detailed liking. They love Octopus.
7. They have the best coffee — As coffee connoisseurs, my husband and I pride ourselves on tasting the coffee wherever we travel. Until now, the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee has beaten everything hands down. Cuba has two kinds of coffee; Gourmet and the regular blend. Its’ so pure we felt like drug dealers when scooping it out. Coffee here in the states is definitely tainted. There’s nothing like the pure smell and taste of Cuban coffee.
8. There’s a Masjid and Islam is growing — We were happy to run into a masjid in the middle of Havana. The Qurans are in Spanish and it is clean and well kept. Yes, the American Government doesn’t want you to know that Islam is everywhere and growing.
9. NO Junk Food — Well almost no junk food. They don’t have potato chips. At all. They believe in eating cooked foods. They sell fresh cooked food on the street, which is very good. They also offer sweet treats in the grocery store such as cookies and candy bars, but Pepsi and never Coke. Don’t expect to crunch on anything made out of potatoes. They don’t have it.
10. They loved Castro don’t care for Trump — We spent a lot of time with the locals. Did I say that already? During our talks, we spoke of Fidel Castro and how he ruled. Cubans are proud people. They are happy people. They loved Castro. He took care of them. They cannot stand Trump and his policies. CNN International played on satellite in our hotel as well as a few other American Channels. They keep up with politics and what is going on in the US. No, they don’t like it as much as we don’t and I’m sure the government doesn’t want you to know that.
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The next time you see a travel ban, don’t’ feed into the fear. Start asking yourself why your government doesn’t want you going to a particular place. Then do some research to see if what they are saying holds water. If you ever get a chance to visit Cuba, like we did, you will see that the fear is unwarranted. We may or may not return to Cuba one day but for now, we are satisfied that we traveled there for ourselves to see that things are not what America appears them to be or fears you to think.
The next time you see a travel ban, don’t’ feed into the fear. Start asking yourself why your government doesn’t want you going to a particular place. Then do some research to see if what they are saying holds water. If you ever get a chance to visit Cuba, like we did, you will see that the fear is unwarranted. We may or may not return to Cuba one day but for now, we are satisfied that we traveled there for ourselves to see that things are not what America appears them to be or fears you to think.
To see our FULL PHOTO ALBUM from our Cuba adventure — CLICK HERE