Taxing the Inmates Taxes the Families
Since the subject of taxes is on the forefront of Americans, I thought I’d pass along a poem by Charley Ressee . Â After you read this, you might ask yourself, what doe s this have to do with inmates? Inmates are being charged to be incarcerated. That is taxing.
Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table, At which he’s fed.
                              Tax his tractor,
                              Tax his mule,
                              Teach him taxes
                              Are the rule.
                              Tax his work,
                              Tax his pay,
                              He works for
                              peanuts anyway!
                              Tax his cow,
                              Tax his goat,
                              Tax his pants,
                              Tax his coat.
                              Tax his ties,
                              Tax his shirt,
                              Tax his work,
                              Tax his dirt.
                              Tax his tobacco,
                              Tax his drink,
                              Tax him if he
                              Tries to think.
                              Tax his cigars,
                              Tax his beers,
                              If he cries
                              Tax his tears.
                              Tax his car,
                              Tax his gas,
                              Find other ways
                              To tax his ass.
                              Tax all he has
                              Then let him know
                              That you won’t be done
                              Till he has no dough.
                              When he screams and hollers;
                              Then tax him some more,
                              Tax him till
                              He’s good and sore.
                              Then tax his coffin,
                              Tax his grave,
                              Tax the sod in
                              Which he’s laid…
                              Put these words
                              Upon his tomb,
                              ‘Taxes drove me
                              to my doom…’
                              When he’s gone,
                              Do not relax,
                              Its time to apply
                              The inheritance tax.
                             Taxes Inmates Pay
                              Cigarette Tax (higher prices at the Commissary)
                                     Food License Tax (higher prices at the Commissary)
                             Gross Receipts Tax (monies to maintain accounts)
                             Medicare Tax (Inmate Healthcare)
                              Personal Property Tax (toiletries – some inmates buy their own underwear & uniforms)
                              Service Charge Tax (charges to remove monies form accounts)
                      Telephone Federal Excise Tax
                              Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
                              Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
                              Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
                              Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
                               Telephone State and Local Tax
                              Telephone Usage Charge Tax
And if you didn’t know, if they die in prison, whatever is on their account goes to bury them.