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May/June 2012 Prisonworld Magazine

May/June 2012 Prisonworld Magazine

Destination: Ending Mass Incarceration ~ Pilot: Jenny Triplett

In 2006, Jenny Triplett began a project to reach an oft-forgotten population. Motivated by her own brief incarceration and the injustice a family member survived, serving a 15-year sentence for a crime he did not commit, she became passionate about detouring young people from the criminal justice system. By 2007, her project turned into a business and is now a multi-level media company, serving inmates and their families with information, education, hope, entertainment and contact with the outside world through print, radio and Internet mediums.

She chose the company name, Dawah (meaning ‘to teach’) International, LLC, and branded her company as PrisonWorld. The content-rich mediums she produces address important issues, including insight into dysfunctional families, substance abuse, entrepreneurship, marriage, relationships, addictions, politics, mass incarceration, racial profiling and stereotypes  ”We are more than a prison ministry,” Jenny says, “We teach, we don’t preach.”

CLICK HERE to read the entire story

This profile outline was graciously done by Annette Jett. You can find her on Twitter @annetjett1 and @pilotsofchange

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