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Ebony Magazine Couple of the Year on RufusandJennyTriplett.comHappy – Jenny and Rufus Triplett 24th Wedding Anniversary

Let’s just say that all events have a story and ours is no different. The event, our 24th wedding anniversary, took place October 27, 2013. This video is way late and highly delayed. That is another story. Almost nothing went as planned but it turned out to be a very happy and joyous event. Why you say? Oh I thought you’d never ask. Wanna hear a story…here it goes…

Deciding to have a celebration was one of our battles. Should we or shouldn’t we? We discussed that we never did anything for our Ebony Magazine Couple of the Year honor, nor our book release, Surviving Marriage in the 21st Century. So what should we do? We were very busy, as usual, but we finally came to a decision to throw a shindig. Now, where should we have it. Welp…trying to find a place within a three week time period was a challenge, but one I was definitely willing to put forth the effort. After several calls, we were set on a location, but they had an issue with taking down their Halloween decorations. Uh…FYI…we don’t celebrate Halloween, thus the decorations would be very awkward. Fortunately, we came to a compromise. We received a serious reduction on the rental fee for the place and they took down a few items that we considered were offensive and in our way. Ok, we had the spot. So now, who to invite, what would we feed them and how would they be entertained?

Well, we couldn’t invite our entire Facebook friends list, because we unequivocally couldn’t afford to feed them all. We made it a celebration for our book, and took a few names of those who supported us and made a list of friends and family. Yes, the party was shaping up quite nicely. We had been seeing posts by a caterer on our Facebook page and decided to give her a try. Needless to say, upon sampling, the food was fantastic! Everything was coming together perfectly even after a rocky start…or so it seemed.

We chose to film our party for those that could not attend and that is where things started falling apart, seriously. We had sound trouble, only one mic (we are used to two) and some bad camera angles. We did not get the quality recording we wanted, but we did still have a load of fun.

In this video below is a picture story of how it all turned out and how we ended the show…I mean party lol. Our friends and family will receive an extended DVD version with outtakes and much more. If you enjoyed our 24th wedding anniversary celebration, just wait to see what we have in store for the 25th! Thank you for being a friend…:)